Monday, November 12, 2012

Gevey Ultra S SIM for CDMA iPhones

In order to unlock your Verizon or Sprint iPhone 4S you will need a SIM card adapter and it will be necessary to delete the phones native carrier bundles. Your phone must also be jailbroken so this will only work with iPhones running 5.1.1 or lower. Here is what you must do as shown in the videos below:

  1. Purchase a Gevey Ultra S SIM card adapter- Buy the real thing there are lots of counterfeits!
  2. Download iFunbox 
  3. Jailbreak your iPhone using RedSn0w
  4. Connect to iFunbox and navigate to Raw File System>var>wireless>library and delete any white icons that contain "310"
  5. Next open the "System" folder and navigate to library>carrier bundles>iPhone and delete any folders named "Zeppelin" as well as any that say "Verizon" or "Sprint" depending on your carrier. Wait for the list to refresh and then look for any white icons that contain "310" again. These need to be deleted also. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Factory unlock your iPhone for T-Mobile

Now you can easily unlock your iPhone 4 as well as many other models. The best thing about it is that once you complete your factory unlock your phone will remain that way forever. This new method for unlocking iPhones applies to the 3GS, 4, 4S and iPhone 5 as long as the iPhone was originally on the AT&T network. There are factory unlocks available for other carriers but the prices and availability varies greatly. If you have an iPhone that is from a different carrier just submit your IMEI to this site and follow the activation process in the video after your unlock has been processed. .

A lot of the people that come here are looking for a way to unlock their iPhone for T-Mobile or one of its MVNOs. An MVNO is a Mobile Virtual Network Operator. That is a company which uses an existing network to sell their own brand name. An example of an MVNO for T-Mobile would be Simple Mobile or Solavei who have their own rate plans but ride on T-Mobile’s network. Most MVNOs are sell pre-paid service with no contract requirements but usually have the same quality as the network that they are reselling. One thing to consider when unlocking your iPhone for T-Mobile or one of its MVNOs is that you will need to jailbreak your iPhone in order to send and receive MMS or picture messages. Talk, text and your internet browser should work automatically although on occasion it will be necessary to input your data settings manually.

If you are trying to unlock your iPhone for international use then you are in the right place. You can still use the factory unlock option as this will allow your phone to accept any GSM SIM card. That is assuming the destination you will be traveling to offers service through a GSM wireless carrier. In most cases this will be the case as most of the world uses GSM or “Global Standard for Mobile” with a few rare exceptions. If you are trying to unlock your iPhone for use on Metro PCS or Cricket then you will need to find someone who can “Flash” the software on your iPhone. This only works with CDMA iPhones so yours must be branded for Verizon or Sprint as AT&T iPhones cannot run on a CDMA network.